

Jun 09, 2023

Paper bag

Investigators say an attempted robbery of a convenience store in York City on Thursday led police to arrest a 32-year-old man for not only that offense, but also for a restaurant robbery a month earlier.

Osei Salim Jabar Austin, of York City, faces both robbery and attempted robbery charges.

According to court records, Austin was found in a red Toyota Highlander in the 400 block of West Philadelphia Street. The vehicle matched the description of a vehicle tied to the robbery of the Pho Bistro, located in the 800 block of East Market Street. According to police, Austin also matched the physical characteristics of the suspect from the restaurant obtained from surveillance footage and a witness statement.

Police said the restaurant robbery occurred around 4 p.m. May 18. The witness in the case told police that a man dressed in blue with a face mask came into the restaurant. The man had his right hand wrapped in a brown paper bag and pointed it at the witness as if he had a gun wrapped in it. The witness put money from the cash register into the bag, and the man left the store.

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In the attempted robbery of the convenience store, investigators said the man also used a brown paper bag.

Thursday, York City officers were given a picture of the red Toyota Highlander tied to the restaurant robbery and to be on the lookout for it. Court documents said the vehicle had a distinct bumper sticker on it which led officers to find Austin after the convenience store incident.

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Austin was arraigned before District Judge Robert A. Eckenrode, who set bail at $75,000. Austin has been unable to post bail and remained in York County Prison on Monday, according to online records.

A preliminary hearing on the robbery charge is set for June 20 before Judge Thomas Harteis. A preliminary hearing on the attempted robbery charge is set for June 15 before Harteis.

Austin is currently being held at York County Prison.

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